TCT Circuit Supply - A Leading Manufacturer Of PCB Cutting Tools, Equipment And Services

Posted Jul 5th, 2021

High ratio drilling has specific drilling challenges: hole quality (smear, burring, nail head), positional accuracy, glass fracturing and delamination.

As well, peck drilling is required to clean out the debris from the drill spiral flutes to reduce breakage. On small drill sizes typically used for high ratio drilling, there is not enough room on the bit shank for a large flute to allow the debris material to be pulled away from the drill bit by the vacuum.Heavily clogged drills can cause the drill bit to overheat which creates smear. Peck drilling is used to reduce the amount of material left in the flutes. As the drill is removed before the next plunge, the flutes are cleared of debris and rats nesting. 

 A unique drill design By TCT Circuit Supply, called a UCY Hybrid Flute, features improved chip evacuation with an overlapping larger flute. The extra dense carbide provides an improved flexural strength over a single flute design. With a cleaner drill, you have reduced heat from drilling, improved hole wall quality and improved hole accuracy. 

TCT also produces a special non-fracturing drill, the RDX T-Point Anti-Fracturing Geometry Drill Bit. This special drill is capable of drilling high ratio holes without pecking, while still providing top quality holes. Benefits of the RDX T-Point Geometry are reduced Z-axis stress, elimination of glass fracturing, reduced drill costs and improved tool life. The RDX T-Point drill offers you the ability to drill high ratio holes without pecking, therefore speeding up the drilling process and reducing cost. 


About TCS

TCT Circuit Supply (TCS) is a proud supplier of industrial leading materials and equipment to the printed circuit board industry. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the TCT group and working with partners all over the world, TCS offers materials, technical support, and solutions for the most challenging applications. In addition to a wide variety of cutting tools and repoint services manufactured by TCT, we offer a portfolio of laminates, prepregs, films, pads, and consumable products.

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