Let’s talk drills. How’s 1400 hits vs 500 hits sound to you? Pretty good right? How about a drill specifically designed to work with the new high-tech laminates? If you think this is somewhere off in the future, you’re in for a big surprise. The future is today, right now! Call us and bring the future into your drilling department today.
HPTec 543 nearly triples drill hit counts (1400 vs 500)
TFE is pleased to introduce the HPTec - 543 soft material PCB drill, the new standard of excellence for ease of drilling soft, high frequency material for high accuracy applications. The 543 drill is excellent for drilling softer Teflon, flex polyimides and Rogers high frequency materials in single sided through to high layer count multilayers. It offers significantly enhanced hole wall quality, for improved plating over a longer drilling cycle. The long life, sharp edge reduces nail heading and hole edge burring, which are typically seen when drilling softer materials using standard angle drills. With a sharper, longer life bit edge, you get superior initial point entry accuracy and an improved quality hole. The 543 drill offers the best in class accuracy in softer materials, at lower operational costs with higher hit per tool.
The higher quality, carbide material used allows several re-grinding cycles resulting in further cost reductions. The special carbide keeps the drill edge sharper longer, with less rounding off, increasing entry accuracy greatly.Typical soft material drill cycles are 500 hits with a normal drill bit, the 543 drill easily lasts to 1400 hits before a regrind is needed. The 120-degree angle is specifically designed to drill soft material by greatly reducing the amount of material stringers clinging to the drill and inside the edge of the hole, thereby eliminating expensive, after drilling and hand operation to remove the clinging chaff.
About HPTec
HPTec has been in business for over 40 years, as a true market leader, specializing in high technology tools from micro drills to diamond coated routers. Their unique, advanced, drilling tools makes HPTec one of the product lines that TFE is proud to represent.
For more information go to www.hptec.de.
Download the 543 Info Sheet
Download the 543 Data Sheet